Transaction Overview

Janney Montgomery Scott served as the sole managing underwriter for a $15,000,000 General Obligation Bond issue for Kiski Area School District. This issue carried an underlying rating of A1 from Moody’s and was insured by AGM. The bond proceeds will be used to fund renovations and improvements to the Intermediate School and fund capital improvements to various facilities within the District.

About Kiski Area School District

Kiski Area School District is comprised of the Boroughs of Avonmore, East Vandergrift, Hyde Park, Oklahoma and Vandergrift and the Townships of Allegheny, Bell, Washington and Parks. Eight of the nine Component Municipalities are located in Westmoreland County, with Parks Township located in Armstrong County. The District is thirty miles northwest of the City of Greensburg, the county seat of Westmoreland County, twenty miles southwest of the Borough of Kittanning, the county seat of Armstrong County, and thirty miles northeast of the City of Pittsburgh. The District encompasses a combined land area of 104.6 square miles, serving a 2020 U.S. Census population of 27,637.

Contact us for more information

Timothy Frenz

Managing Director, Public Finance

Contact Timothy Frenz

Christopher Campbell

Vice President, Public Finance

Contact Christopher Campbell

For more information about Janney, please see Janney’s Relationship Summary (Form CRS) on which details all material facts about the scope and terms of our relationship with you and any potential conflicts of interest.

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