Frequently Asked Questions:
What contact information will you use to notify me?
You can choose which alerts and notifications you would like to receive via email, text, or via Online Access message. Email and text notifications will be sent to the contact information on file. You can review and update your preferred email and phone number on the “Notifications/Alert Settings” page.
How often will I receive notifications/alerts?
The frequency with which you receive notifications and alerts is determined by the type of alert, and the timing of the alert. For example, “End of Day Portfolio Summary” will be sent to your preferred contact method daily, following the market close. “Account Deposits and Account Withdrawals” will be sent the day following a transaction.
Who can I contact with Online Access questions?
For additional questions related to Online Access, please reach out to our Online Services team at 888.882.0012, or [email protected].
Need Assistance?
If you have trouble using the app, you may contact the Online Services team. Please have your Janney account information ready.
- Phone: 888.882.0012
- Email: [email protected]
- Monday through Friday: 7AM – 7PM EST
- Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays: 7AM – 12PM EST